Lite cruiser Electric Trailer Winch with Wireless Remote Control
*Install in place of existing winch, plug in cable, and attach to 12V battery
*Built-in Light
*Remote control with 10" cable
SF No. Cable/strap size Hook Size Line speed(ft/min)PullingcapacitylbsMax Boat
Length (ft)Max BoatWeight(lbs)Type
SF55127-1 cable Dia: 7/32" X30ft 9.1M X 5.56MM 6 3500 24 10000
SF55127-2 cable Dia: 7/32" X30ft 9.1M X 5.56MM 6 3500 24 10000 sea-water
SF55127-3 strap Dia: 2"X20ft 6.1MX50.8MM 6 3500 24 10000 strap type